Acupuncture is one of three branches of ancient traditional medicine. The other two are herbal medicine and the practice of a physical and mental discipline called Qi Gong. The main objective of each branch is to bring about a harmonious flow of Chi. continue reading
The Benefits of Qi Gong
Feeling Stressed and Anxious? Try Acupuncture
We all know that stress is just a part of life. We all have moments of feeling anxious or depressed, but when those feelings become more of a permanent fixture in our lives, it is time to get some help. What many may not know is how effective acupuncture can be in providing relief to the mental and physical symptoms associated with anxiety and depression. continue reading
Military Veterans Find Relief with Acupuncture
Military veterans often return from service with a host of physical, mental, and emotional challenges related to their tours of duty. Rarely does a service member present with just one health issue. A 2014 study summarized the challenges associated with treating veterans and their often complex medical issues. continue reading