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Welcome to Spirit Point Healing

The clinic of Dr. Rachel Strass, DOM, LAc

Acupuncture and herbal medicine in Annapolis, Maryland

Create lasting wellness.

Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine for wellness, pain relief, and stress.

Are you, or is someone you love feeling stressed, anxious, or worried? Are you tired of western medicine throwing pharmaceuticals at every problem? Rachel’s healing practice offers acupuncture and/or herbal medicine in an integrated program, drawing on classical Chinese medicine for an effective approach to stress, pain, and other health concerns. She serves people from Annapolis, Arnold, Severna Park, Pasadena, Bowie, Edgewater, and throughout the Chesapeake Bay area.

Acupuncture for Performers

Do you struggle with pain when you play?
Do you get nausea or ’the shakes’ before or while performing?
 Imagine performing as well as you practice.

Performance challenges are not about your abilities, level of skill, or time in the practice room; they are about proper alignment (physical and energy), effective practice, self-awareness, and an empowered mindset.

Want to 10X Your Performance?

Virtual Appointments Available!

Can’t make it to my office? You can have a virtual appointment from the comfort and safety of your own home. I can also mail your herbs and supplements directly to you. Many acupuncture techniques can be done remotely, including acupressure, guided meditation, qi gong, breath work, and other mindfulness practices.

Meet Rachel

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Dr. Rachel Strass, DOM, LAc, Dipl OM (NCCAOM)

The focus of Rachel’s practice is to see each person as a whole and work together to find their way to good health. We look at each person’s history and carefully design a plan that is unique to their needs. Whether a person has numerous physical issues and a great deal of pain, or they are relatively healthy and wish to handle stress and live in better balance with their world, she is here to help. Many need relief from headaches and lower back pain. Others seek support for recovery from cancer and side-effects of chemotherapy. Women may need support with periods or menopause. As well as using acupuncture and herbs, Rachel works with lifestyle and nutrition to avoid chronic pain and injury. She shares wisdom on the
practical aspects of living well, including rest, movement, and nutrition.

Most people don’t want to take a drug to get better if they can do it  another way. Western drugs mask symptoms and hide the progress of disease, not to mention causing side-effects. Wouldn’t it be better to solve these problems naturally? Let’s take care of that nagging knee pain or find the cause of those allergies and clear them up. Haven’t you wondered if there was a better way to deal with stress and anxiety than taking prescriptions that dull your feelings?

At Spirit Point Healing, we offer real solutions to all kinds of concerns in a more natural way. We can help you get out of stress, trauma, poor sleep, and pain and into being physically and emotionally healthier more naturally and without side-effects.

I want our healthcare system to change into a holistic model where health is looked at through the lens of physics and energy as well as chemistry and pharmaceuticals.

Living with pain? Acupuncture is perfect for this and many other physical concerns:

    • Muscular, joint, and/or arthritis pain
    • Constipation, IBS, & GERD
    • Neuropathy from diabetes, nerve damage, & chemotherapy

Worrying a lot? Acupuncture can help with anxiety, depression, insomnia, stress, and much more:

    • Avoiding activities and people
    • Spinning thoughts
    • Can’t fall or stay asleep
    • Using substances to relax

Looking for guidance on what to eat and which supplements to take? I am happy to share my wisdom on all this and more:

    • Meditation and mindfulness practices
    • Acupuncture to maintain health and balance your qi
    • Best seasonal foods to eat
    • Most effective herbs and supplements for your needs

Looking for support solving complex or multiple issues? Chinese herbs are safe and useful for all kinds of concerns.

    • One formula may address many needs. No more piles of pills.
    • No side-effects
    • May treat side-effects from pharmaceuticals.
    • Have been used with pharmaceuticals to improve patient outcomes for 60+ years.
Chinese Herbs

Small Steps – a song about the wood element

Here is a song I wrote in 2005, illustrating the Wood element. I was struggling with Lyme Disease while going through student clinic for my acupuncture license at the time. It’s all about getting things done one step at a time. I hope you enjoy it!


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Video Interview…Life in the Time of a Pandemic: a Five Element Approach. My First Interview… there’s a minor technical hiccup at first but then it really takes off.

The Pandemic: A Five Element Approach of past, present, and future.

In this first of hopefully many more interviews, my friend and business ally Andrea Hutter interviews me about life during the pandemic, in the eyes of Classical Chinese Medicine. In this interview,

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Acupuncture and Distance Healing

As our world turns to a global network, many people are finding more health resources at a distance. A lot of therapists have been developing methods of distance healing for their patients. Since acupuncture is energy medicine, it is ideal for just this sort of thing. Acupuncture uses the needle to focus qi/energy in the qi network of the body.

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The Benefits of Eating for the Seasons

Restaurants that have revolving seasonal menus have gained in popularity in recent years. The concept of seasonal eating has deep roots. Before the advent of modern agriculture and global trade, people naturally consumed foods that were locally available during specific times of the year. But today, the convenience of supermarkets allows us to eat almost any fruit or vegetable

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Why You Should Try Electroacupuncture for Pain Management

For those suffering from chronic pain, traditional medications only provide temporary relief and can come with side effects that leave people feeling sluggish and unwell. Electroacupuncture combines traditional acupuncture with electrical stimulation, enhancing its effectiveness for managing pain and promoting healing. By delivering gentle electrical pulses through the acupuncture needles, this modern approach stimulates nerves, muscles, and connective tissues,

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Five Transformative Health Benefits Acupuncture Provides for Overall Health

As more insurance plans and more allied health practitioners begin to embrace what has traditionally been known as “alternative medicine” treatments, acupuncture has enjoyed a surge in popularity with potential patients desperate for a drug-free alternative for their overall health and wellness. 

Acupuncture, an ancient practice rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), has been gaining traction in modern healthcare

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